Tell your story.

In an age of AI, machine learning, and “always on,” sometimes people are just looking for a story they can connect with. A clear, well-told narrative illuminates, engages, and spurs audiences to action. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for more than 25 years.

“People have an inherent desire to hear ‘this happened, then this happened, then this happened,’” Ira Glass told me years ago. I’ve taken those words to heart and have made a career of finding the story and bringing it to light with concise, meticulous prose.

Get in touch

I’ve held a variety of professional writing positions in journalism, advertising, marketing, and public affairs, where I’ve been responsible for delivering everything from web copy to 30-minute speeches to award-winning 5,000-word features.

My work has been anthologized in several books, including The Best American Sports Writing series. I’ve written for Google, the Obama Foundation, and Harley-Davidson; I’ve dodged flames in a California forest fire; interviewed Harrison Ford and Michael Jordan; and written speeches for global leaders and C-level executives.

I’m based in Chicago. Let’s tell your story together.

Let’s talk.

You can reach me at